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Long Weekend Cons​

I flew down to Melbourne this long weekend, to attend the Continuum Speculative Fiction Convention, otherwise known as #Con_14, full of inspiring people, engaging panels and cosplay characters in action.

For those of you who aren’t quite sure what ‘speculative fiction’ entails, it’s an umbrella term used to group fiction with supernatural, fantastical or futuristic elements. Some examples are dystopias like Handmaid’s Tale, fantasy like Harry Potter, and Space Opera like Star Wars (OK, Star Wars is known more for its movies than its fiction, but said fiction does exist, and it’s a free pass to include the words ‘Star Wars’ in my blog).

Basically, Spec Fic is just a fancy name, an excellent excuse for Melbourne to host the con, and for me to geek out and hang with my peeps!

It’s been a while between visits to Melbourne. During my stay, I met outstanding writers, was thoroughly confused by – and accidentally paid for – the free trams, and sampled Melbourne’s best coffee (a large claim, but it didn’t disappoint) at Journeyman in Windsor.

I shared a room with my friend’s cat, Mozart, who is quite possibly the cutest feline on social media (again, a daring claim, but Mo-Mo definitely delivers). I learned that a cat can wake this human simply by staring at me, inches from my face. That’s kitty power.

I was also able to meet my writing buddy, who’s been there since the start of the novel-writing process, and who is a stand-up guy. We’ve had weekly progress chats each Sunday night since August, spurring each other on, but this is the first time we’ve met face-to-face.

So, a pretty inspiring trip (kitty-induced nightmares aside).

Back in Sydney, I’m enjoying a little downtime while waiting for feedback from my editor in a couple of weeks. I’ll then delve deep into the re-writes. The publishing calendar is coming together.

Until the next instalment, keep warm (if you’re in the southern hemisphere, like me), or enjoy the warmer climes (if you’re not). And thanks for sticking around!

Yours in creativity,


Ps: If you’d like to follow my publishing journey, feel free to register your interest. More sneak-peeks, goodies and freebies to follow!

Pss: If you’re more into social media, head on over to twitter or my Facebook page. Come and say ‘hi’ (I promise my purr is louder than my bite).