So here is the view from my editing desk tonight, as I hunker down and get some serious butt-in-chair time clocked. It’s great to be back working on the book, after waiting for my editor’s notes.
I am currently working hard on the rewrites, and I’m excited about this next stage. I realised that this is the only phase where I will be editing my debut novel – and to just enjoy it! The journey is just as important as the end result, which seems sooo far off at this point, but it’s getting closer. I promise.
I’ve also found the month’s break from the book to be inspiring – I’m keen to jump back in and rediscover the world that I’ve built (even if that world needs a little finessing to get it ship-shape).
While my amazing editor was busy making notes on the book, I was at a loss. What would I do with myself? Any changes I made to the book would have been redundant, so I was forced into a state of limbo.
Having spare time meant I was able to create a logo for my website (check it out at the top of this page). It’s always fun working with designers and seeing the concepts they create. And I’ve given my website a slight colour palette refresh. What do you think?
I’ve also been studying all things publishing and peeking ahead at the stages to come. I can’t wait to share my book with you!
One thing I learned during my ‘break’ is that Facebook only shows my posts to around 5% of people who like my page. Crazy, right? So the best way to keep in touch is via email (so I can let you know directly). Email is friendlier, and you get to ask me anything you fancy!
Be sure to sign up here if you’d like to follow my publishing journey. I share behind-the-scenes info that doesn’t make it onto my blog, plus first-look launch details. I send emails infrequently so your inbox won’t be bombarded. I’d love to have you along for the ride!
But, I’m getting ahead of myself. First the rewrites, which will be fairly extensive. Which means, back to the editing desk for me!
Yours in creativity,