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Strong female characters and quirky, empowering tales.

Jackie loves to write young adult fiction & new adult fiction with a speculative twist. If it’s magical, dystopian or futuristic, she’ll happily take you there. She stuffs as many strong female characters into her books as she possibly can, for your enjoyment.

Jackie has worked in publishing and the media for over 20 years in both London and Sydney. Her debut novel, The Ghost Mothers, is (very loosely) inspired by her time on The Australian Women’s Weekly Magazine, many moons ago.

Her new release, The Hybrid Cure, is the first book in a Young Adult Post-apocalyptic Sci-fi Adventure, The Kaseath Chronicles.

If you’d like to check out Jackie’s writing for free, you can read the free novelette prequel, Maya’s United Nations. It introduces a side character from The Hybrid Cure and is spoiler-free (so you can read the prequel and novel in any order).

If you would like to be notified of new books as they are released, you can join the publishing journey here.

If you prefer, feel free to contact Jackie on Facebook, Instagram or Goodreads, or simply drop her an email at the address below, she’d love to hear from you!

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Author Jackie McCarthy

Author Jackie McCarthy