These are strange, worrying times, and I hope that this post finds you safe and well, wherever you are right now.
If you’re on this page, you probably love to read. I wondered if your reading habits and preferences changed as a result of lockdown?
Many people, myself included, prefer a physical copy of a book. I mull over my bookshelf and re-read the stories that touch me the most. I choose paperbacks over hardbacks, as they’re easier to hold up in bed.
But, if I’m travelling (which sounds absurd, but I’m sure we will again at some point), I prefer the convenience of my Kindle. It holds thousands of books in a single, sturdy, light device, while still eliminating eyestrain of reading small text on the phone. There’s no danger of finishing the only paperback I’ve brought with me on the trip.
But now, while we’re stuck indoors, I am leaning more towards ebooks. They’re easy to download, fairly cheap, and I don’t have to contend with waiting for the delivery or interacting with the driver. There’s also no need to disinfect the package once it’s inside my house.
However, I bought my first audiobook about a month ago, and this might be a new ‘reading’ option for me. Although, I don’t understand how people multitask while listening to audiobooks. I can’t walk, or wash up, or tidy the apartment at the same time. I find my mind wanders too easily and I have to rewind to when I zoned out.
If you enjoy audiobooks, are you able to multitask? Or are you like me, taking advantage of time away from screens, perhaps lying on the couch?
I also understand that not everyone is in the Kindle/Amazon ecosystem, and I support that. Are you part of the “Kobo” club (the nearest competitor to Amazon’s Kindle), or do you buy your books on other platforms altogether? The choice is as wide as people’s preferred genres.
I’ve recently given my readers a range of ways to consume my books, without being limited to a single corporation. Let’s be honest, sometimes the biggest players are not the best.
You can now find my novel, The Ghost Mothers, in both paperback and ebook format, from a variety of stores, and directly via my website. More stores are being added each day.
I’ve even considered producing an audiobook version of the novel, which I may (or may not) narrate myself. I’ve set up a home studio to experiment with recordings. It sounds fancy, but really I’m just standing under a patio umbrella draped with blankets, to block out the noise of the preschool next door. This experiment could be disastrous, but points for trying, right?
I’d be interested to hear about your favourite book format. Has it changed during isolation? And have you already delved into the magical world of audiobooks?
Wherever you are, stay safe and well.
Ps: If you’d like to have a stickybeak at where my books are available, there’s a page each for the ebook and the paperback. Happy reading!