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Celebrating International Women’s Day 2020

If you’re like me, you’re eagerly awaiting Sunday 8th March 2020, so you can celebrate with the awesome women in your life. The idea behind International Women’s Day is to highlight the achievements of women and to strive for a more equal world. Because, as some have put it, an equal world is an enabled world. That goes for all sorts of equality across all sections of society.

I know the characters in my novel, “The Ghost Mothers” would have totally rocked out on #IWD2020. They are all highly accomplished women from their time: a wartime heroine from World War II, circa 1950; a feminist spearheading the revolution in 1970; and a Nobel-prize-winning climate scientist from the year 2000.

These are the ‘fairy ghost-mothers’ who help our flawed hero, 24-year-old Yasmin Taylor-Lee, find her own truth and forge a less fake world, that tells it how it is. All while poking fun at the tumultuous world of magazine publishing.

Yasmin has benefitted, as we all have, from those who’ve come before us. And I attempted, in my book, to honour some of our early (and not-so early) pioneers who have shaped and inspired the world we live in today.

Sure, the world we live in today might not be perfect. In fact, we still have a long way to go. But the world is that much brighter for the real-life ghost mothers who’ve lived throughout history.

In a happy coincidence, the paperback of “The Ghost Mothers” is released a day or so shy of International Women’s Day, with the official launch date of 10th March (that should make it a little easier for you to remember). It’s already available as a pre-order in some online stores, or else you can hit up your favourite bookstore and order in a copy (it might not be stocked on the actual shelves).

And be sure to drop me a comment below and let me know how you’re celebrating International Women’s Day. Support each other and start a conversation with those who might not know what’s going on. There’s so much good going on in the world, and, if you look a little closer, you can find ‘like minds’ to help you on your own journey. We are all that much stronger when we band together.

All the best!
