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The Ghost Mothers – Official Launch Day!

Well, it’s happened – today is the official launch day for my debut novel, The Ghost Mothers!

I wish I could say I’m beyond excited, but the truth is, it’s all a little overwhelming. But also, exciting. But also, I’m ready for a 24-hour nap.

So would you like to know a little about the book? For those of you who like quirky, humorous tales with strong female characters, I hope you’re in for a treat – especially if you like your fiction with a historical nod and magical twist.

Here’s a quick rundown;

Yasmin has just landed her dream job, the one she’s yearned for since childhood. But it’s all a sham, just like her resume. Will her ‘fairy ghost-mothers’ reveal her biggest lie of all?

When Yasmin Taylor-Lee starts her first day at The Woman’s Standard magazine – after telling some pretty sizeable porkies to get the job – she learns that they have one shot at hitting record circulation, or the whole company will go under.

Yasmin draws on the strengths of her beloved ghost-mothers, sprung from past issues of The Standard – her only friends, and her emotional crutch since childhood. Life without her besties seems unthinkable, even now at 24 years old – which is a little long in the tooth to have ephemeral floating entities as best friends. Unless…they’re not so ephemeral?

But, Yasmin is in over her head. She has no experience, is woefully under-skilled at life and her ghost-mothers keep appearing at inopportune moments. Will the domineering editor, who has the ear of the most influential people in the country, discover her secret?

More importantly, can Yasmin pull off the biggest con of her life and save the magazine, the company and the very existence of her ghostly friends?

If you would like to grab The Ghost Mothers right now, you can do so here:


Please note that you don’t need a Kindle to read the ebook, you can enjoy the book on any device, using the free Kindle App.

For those who have stuck by me so far, thank so much. It turns out that it takes a long time to write a novel, and an even longer time to edit and put everything in place for launch. It’s been 1 year and 8 months (almost to the day) since I started work on The Ghost Mothers, and I’m over the moon that I am able to share it with you now.

So, what am I doing next (besides that 24-hour nap)? I’m already at work on another book, which I hope will be part of a brand-new series. If you’d like to be kept up to date with all of my books, as well as find out when the print book of The Ghost Mothers is released, feel free to join the Reader’s Group here:

Thanks again for supporting the book, and have a wonderful day!
